Audify v.01 ( Download: or )
# Description #
Audify (working title) interpretes a selfmade assembly languages. For every operation you can specify a sound which should be play if it's executed.
This way you have a audio representation of the executing code.

# Usage #
Load a code from a text file or just type in the code in the text field. Then press "Play" to start the execution.

# How to specify the settings #
tunes [default | ]	;file where the tunes for the operations are specified (currently only default useable)
bpm [1-600]				;specifies beats per minutes
memory [0-100000]			;specifies the size of the memory
stack [0-1000]				;specifies the size of the stack (stack not implemented yet)
register [0-64]				;specifies the numbers of registers
maudio [0-32]				;upcoming feature
saudio [0-16]				;upcoming feature
raudio [0-8]				;upcoming feature

Then you can write the code. The code must include a .start Label
	jmp .start

# How to write the code #
As of now there are only 12 operations to choose from:
	jmp [label] - Jumps to the specified label
	je [label] - Jumps if the Zero Flag is set
	jne [label] - Jumps if the Zero Flag is clear
	inc [dest] - Increases the specifed address or register by one
	dec [dest] - Decreases the specifed address or register by one
	add [src] [dest] - Adds source value to the destination
	sub [src] [dest] - Substracts source value to destination
	mov [src] [dest] - Stores value of source to destination
	cmp [src1] [src2] - Compares the two sources.
	and [src] [dest] - performs a logical "and" of src and dest, and stores it in dest
	or [src] [dest] - performs a logical "or" of src and dest, and stores it in dest
	xor [src] [dest] - performs a logical "xor" of src and dest, and stores it in dest
	exit - halts the program

There is no checking for the code so far! (if the program is faulted, the audify will crash)

# How to use address modes #
You can use the direct address mode as in every other assembly language:
	cmp 4, 5

To use memory addresses you have to use the following pattern: $[address]
	Example: mov 5, $5	;stores 5 in Address 5

To use registers you have to use the following pattern: r[register index]
	Example: mov 5, r0	;stores

# Upcoming features #
- As of now there aren't many operations implemented yet and also we can't use the stack yet.
- memory, registers and stack audio representation. (parameters [m | r | a]audio)
- code checking